2.1 The Corporation shall have the following categories of members:
Full Member
a. Must possess appropriate academic/educational qualifications in the form of relevant Bachelors degree, approved by the Executive Council.
b. Must have at least 3 years work experience in Occupational Ergonomics and/or Occupational Safety as evidenced by significant publications/reports.
c. Shall have all the privileges of membership including participation in the annual meeting.
d. Shall be a voting member and eligible for holding office in the Corporation.
Associate Member
a. A person who does not possess either the appropriate academic/educational background and/or work experience in Occupational Ergonomics and Occupational Safety to become a Full Member.
b. Shall have an active interest in Occupational Ergonomics and/or Occupational Safety.
c. Shall have the privileges of participating in the annual meeting, but shall not be a voting member and shall not be eligible to hold any offices in the Corporation.
Student Member
a. Shall have provided documentary evidence of being enrolled as a full-time graduate or undergraduate student.
b. Shall have an active interest in Occupational Ergonomics and Occupational Safety.
c. Shall have the privileges of participating in the annual meeting, but shall not be a voting member and shall not be eligible to hold any offices in the Corporation.
Honorary Member
a. Shall be a recipient of a CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION and not a member of the Corporation (in case the recipient is already a member, he/she shall retain his/her current membership status).
b. Shall have all the privileges and rights of a Full Member.
c. Shall not be required to pay any annual membership dues but is encouraged to do so on a voluntary basis.
2.2 Each Full and Honorary Member shall be entitled to one vote. Institutional members are not entitled to vote.
2.3 The Corporation members shall undertake the responsibility to promote, support and advocate the goals of the Corporation in every reasonable and feasible way.
2.4 Membership may be terminated by written notice to the President or Secretary of the Corporation.
2.5 The Corporation may terminate membership if the member is no longer considered supporting the goals of the Corporation or no longer actively represents the field of occupational ergonomics and safety.
2.6 Membership shall be terminated by July 31st of the year if the Treasurer does not receive the annual membership dues for the year by June 1st of that year.
2.7 Membership dues shall be charged to each individual member and each institutional member annually. The minimum annual contribution shall be determined by the Corporation. Members may contribute more than the minimum amount set by the Corporation.